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Category: Natural dyes

Natural Dyes for Wool: Logwood

Natural Dyes for Wool: Logwood

Logwood is a family of trees also known as “bloodwood” in some parts of the world. Found in Mexico, Belize, Central America and Australia, logwood can be found in extract, powdered, sawdust and wood chip form from many natural dye sources.  I had avoided logwood for some time because I am just not a huge […]

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Natural Dyes for Wool: Osage

Natural Dyes for Wool: Osage

Where I live in the Southeastern United States, there are a lot of old, big trees. Every spring, the world transitions into a fuzzy, watercolor-like state as the trees are bristling with tiny leaves and buds. In a few more weeks, many of our flowering trees burst into full bloom or display bright, acid-green leaves. […]

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Natural Dyes for Wool: Sequoia

Natural Dyes for Wool: Sequoia

  Today, I’m going to share one of my absolute favorite natural dyes with you: Sequoia, and we’re going to apply it to some really luxurious, 100% Baby Alpaca undyed yarn from Knomad, for the ultimate in knitting, crocheting or weaving luxury.   If you live in the Pacific Northwestern USA, Sequoia pinecones are the […]

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Natural Dyes for Wool: Cutch

Natural Dyes for Wool: Cutch

Continuing with our loose theme of exploring the world’s fascinating, dyeable materials from trees and branches, in this blog we’ll be applying Cutch, a dye that comes from the heartwood of the acacia catechu tree. This tree grows in India, Burma, Indonesia and Peru, and my cutch dye comes from the Indian variety and is […]

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Natural Dyes for Wool: Lac

Natural Dyes for Wool: Lac

When looking at my shelf of undyed wool ready for color, I get excited about all the possibilities the natural world offers me! As a natural dyer, most of what I like to use in my everyday practice is foraged locally, from my garden, nearby fields, the side of the road, or my neighbor’s yards! […]

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