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Henry Lauren Moran

Henry Lauren Moran

Henry Moran is a yarn dyer and fiber artist based in Rochester, NH. He learned to knit as a child, but otherwise didn’t interact with fiber until he tripped into processing a discarded fleece in 2019. Next came the spinning wheel, the knitting, the crocheting, the weaving, the sewing, the felting, the dyeing… on it goes. For organization’s sake, Henry created HMFibercraft in 2022, and intends to cram as many fiber-related, modestly monetizable projects under it as he possibly can until it inevitably begins to fight back. He specializes in creating harmonious color palettes and in developing variegated colorways specifically for garment knitting, and lives with his wife Sam and two tiny, gorgeous, and troublesome rescue dogs.

Check out Henry's Blog:

How to Develop Variegated Yarn for Garments

How to Develop Variegated Yarn for Garments

Finally. Finally. It’s sweater weather. As a dyer, an area of the indie dyeing that I feel has been neglected is garment-minded variegated colorways. Of course the patterns are there, and of course you can knit any garment in any yarn and colorway you’d like. But I often find that when I’m scrolling through Instagram, […]

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