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Archive of the Month: June 2021

Natural Dyes for Wool: Madder

Natural Dyes for Wool: Madder

Madder is perhaps one of the few very well-known natural dyes, outside of indigo. This is in part because of its worldwide use for thousands of years as the primary source of reds and oranges. The dye comes from the root of the plant, which takes several years to develop as a dye source, but […]

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Bright Coral with Food Coloring

Bright Coral with Food Coloring

Food coloring is a fun, versatile, and kitchen-safe option for yarn dyeing. My first skeins were dyed with food coloring and I was hooked instantly! I loved that I could try out yarn dyeing without having to commit to having completely separate tools for my entire dye setup. Today, I am going to show you […]

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Dyeing Yarn in a Slow Cooker

Dyeing Yarn in a Slow Cooker

There are so many different ways to dye up a skein of yarn. One of my personal favorites is a slow cooker. The heat source is included and the bowl is nice and deep, giving your yarn plenty of room for even dye saturation. Slow cookers are also easy to pick up at a thrift […]

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Everything you need to get started dyeing with food coloring

Everything you need to get started dyeing with food coloring

Food coloring is a great introduction to dyeing your own yarn. Food coloring is nontoxic and kitchen safe, easy to acquire, and dyes up the most beautiful color! I started out dyeing with food coloring because I wasn’t sure if I wanted to fully commit a set of kitchen utensils to dyeing, so I wanted […]

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