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Archive of the Month: July 2020



You’ve probably heard all about silk, but do you know what makes it so special? Silk is a type of natural protein fibre made by silk worms. Silk has a vibrant history as it is one of the oldest commercially made fibres. When dyed, silk takes color quickly and easily. You can use any dye […]

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How to Dye a Gradient with Knomad ASPERITAS Yarn

How to Dye a Gradient with Knomad ASPERITAS Yarn

Our ASPERITAS yarn is a unique blend of 50% recycled wool and 50% tencel. The sustainable, recycled wool takes dye easily, while the plant-based tencel requires a different dye process to absorb any color. This means that once ASPERITAS is dyed, it has a heather appearance, because the wool in the blend absorbs the dye, […]

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How undyed yarn is made: Quality Control

How undyed yarn is made: Quality Control

 Now on our video series, we get a behind the scenes look at our quality control department, and meet some of the folks who ensure a quality product for all our hand dye fibre artists! The quality control department uses sophisticated instruments to detect inconsistencies in the fibre at a micro level. They thoroughly […]

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