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How Yarn is Made: Blending

blending process

Next up in our video series, we learn more about the blending process. Blending, like the name suggests, is the step in the process when different fibres are mixed, or blended together. This process is an essential step in the yarn making process because the blend crafts the identity of the yarn. Take a typical sock yarn, for example, made from a combination of wool and nylon. The wool provides warmth and softness. The nylon makes the yarn stronger and more durable. Together, these fibres are much more than the sum of their parts!  At KNOMAD, we’ve crafted every single blend in our assortment with you, the dyer, in mind. From STRATUS to SANDSTONE, there is something for every artist in our collection. We hope you love our yarns. Make sure to share your creations using #knomadyarn so we can delight in them too!

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Gina Rockenwagner

Gina Fama Röckenwagner (she/her) is a color-obsessed knit designer and textile artist based in Los Angeles, California. Her work has been featured in Vogue Knitting, Pom Pom Quarterly, and Purl Soho’s eponymous blog. She founded her line of soft, comfortable, and size-inclusive clothing, SOFT HAUS, in 2015. When not working on yarn-related endeavors, Gina can be found quilting, biking, baking and watching trashy tv with her cats, Paloma and Blooper.

2 responses to “How Yarn is Made: Blending”

  1. Karinn says:

    Do you have any input/feedback from clients about how the “superwash” yarns take natursl dyes?

    • Knomad Yarn says:

      Hi Karinn, while I haven’t gotten feedback about this specifically I would anticipate superwash will take the dye a little more vibrantly than nonsuperwash as this is its typically behavior! Happy dyeing, and let me know if you do try this out!

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