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Tag: Beginners

Tips For Keeping an Accurate Dyerโ€™s Journal

Tips For Keeping an Accurate Dyerโ€™s Journal

November 1st, 2020

Whenever you start dyeing yarn, one of the most important things you can do is to keep a record of your process. Recording yarn weights, dye weights, extra notes, and more makes it so much easier to replicate your dyeing results again and again. Keeping a thorough dyerโ€™s journal means that you do not need to rely on your own memory to get the dye results you want every time. Whether youโ€™re getting ready to dye your very first skein, or youโ€™ve...


How Bare Yarn is Made: Carding and Combing

How Bare Yarn is Made: Carding and Combing

October 23rd, 2020

the carding and combing process Next up in our behind the scenes at our mill video series, get to know the carding and combing process! This process is a vital step in making bare yarn. Once the fibre is washed, or scoured, it moves on to the carding and combing machines. The carding and coming process is essentially a series of small brushes that comb the fibres like a hair...


How to dye Starry Night inspired baby alpaca yarn

How to dye Starry Night inspired baby alpaca yarn

October 12th, 2020

Baby alpaca yarn is a treasure in a dyerโ€™s arsenal. The delicate haze of baby alpaca and its delightful warmth make it a favorite for cold weather accessories and sweaters. Alpaca are naturally gentle on the ecosystem, making their fibre an environmentally friendly choice.ย  It can be tricky to dye alpaca, as the fibre does take a bit of coaxing to absorb the color to the intensity you might desire. Armed with a little bit of know how, we will have...


Yarn scouring process

Yarn scouring process

October 7th, 2020

Scouring is a vital process in making undyed yarn, because it gets the fibre ready for you, the dyer! Scouring removes any oils, debris or any other substances in the fibre, making it a perfectly clean, bare canvas for dyeing. Knomad yarn undergoes a thorough scouring and washing process. The waste water from this process is captured and specially treated by bacteria which removes toxins that can harm the environment. The mill we work with is even partially powered by solar electricity!...


All About Alpaca Fibre

All About Alpaca Fibre

September 24th, 2020

Next up in our video series, learn a bit more about Alpaca! To make our superb alpaca yarns, Knomad works exclusively with fibre experts who have specialized in alpaca for generations. This means we only source the finest alpaca with the highest standards for the ecology! These alpaca live in harmony with their native habitat, grazing out in the gorgeous open fields of the Andean highlands, eating a naturally vegetarian diet. Careful attention to the alpaca makes the best yarn. We think youโ€™ll appreciate...


Two color kettle dye on STRATUS

Two color kettle dye on STRATUS

September 17th, 2020

extra fine merino wool When KNOMAD launched, STRATUS instantly became one of my favorite yarns in the whole collection. Made from 80% extra fine merino wool and 20% nylon, the merino in STRATUS is some of the softest available. The small nylon content doesnโ€™t noticeably affect the feel of this plump and round, 4 ply fingering weight yarn, it simply adds a touch of strength to the luxuriously soft merino!ย  READ MORE

Yarn sorting process

Yarn sorting process

September 15th, 2020

sorting, dye yarn Continuing with our video series, today we show you the sorting process, one of the first steps in making a quality undyed yarn. When I entered the sorting area at the mill we work with in Arequipa, Perรบ, I felt a sense of awe. I had never seen that much fibr all in one place, let alone alpaca fibre. Iโ€™m so happy I get to bring you along on this visit from December...


Transform Bare Yarn with Avocado

Transform Bare Yarn with Avocado

September 2nd, 2020

Avocados are already a versatile food, but did you know you can use the pits and skins to dye a range of shades from blush pink and dusty rose to soft browns with undertones of peach?! Next time you whip up a bowl of guac, be sure to save the skins and pits for your next dyeing adventure.   Dyeing with avocados is a very simple process; all it requires is a bit...


Dye Speckles on MAGNOLIA

Dye Speckles on MAGNOLIA

August 28th, 2020

Dye Speckles on MAGNOLIA Magnolia reveals its beauty in layers, much like an onion. Upon first glance, I immediately noticed the beautiful shimmering quality of MAGNOLIA, thanks to its 20% mulberry silk content. By gazing closer at MAGNOLIA, I spy a glowy halo of superkid mohair. Getting up close and personal with this stunning bare yarn, I substance and familiar softness of fine superwash merino wool. This beautiful undyed yarn surpasses the subtle...


Kitchen Safe Dye with Food Coloring

Kitchen Safe Dye with Food Coloring

August 17th, 2020

Prep the Food Coloring Dyeing yarn in the kitchen with food coloring was my first introduction to the world of yarn dyeing. This method is beginner friendly. Because it doesnโ€™t require a lot of materials and tools, it is an easy way to get started dyeing your own custom skeins of yarn! Additionally, everything used in this process is food safe, meaning you wonโ€™t need a separate set of materials just for dyeing.   READ MORE

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