Scouring is a vital process in making undyed yarn, because it gets the fibre ready for you, the dyer! Scouring removes any oils, debris or any other substances in the fibre, making it a perfectly clean, bare canvas for dyeing. Knomad yarn undergoes a thorough scouring and washing process. The waste water from this process is captured and specially treated by bacteria which removes toxins that can harm the environment. The mill we work with is even partially powered by solar electricity! After the fibre is spun into yarn, it is finished only with steam. This means Knomad yarn requires no washing or scouring prior to dyeing. It is ready to use right out of the bag! It even comes pre tied at 3 points on the skein, ensuring your yarn stays neat and tidy while you dye it, with no pesky tangles.
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Tags: Beginners
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