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Category: Sand Dune

Preparing a silk yarn (Sand Dune) for dye and how to shift a dye shade

Preparing a silk yarn (Sand Dune) for dye and how to shift a dye shade

Featuring: Sand Dune 52% Mulberry Silk, 24% Superkid Mohair, 20% Fine Merino Wool, 4% Viscose Our Goal: Learn about the characteristics of dyeing a silk based yarn and how to shift a shade between two colors. Abstract: Today I’ll show you how to prep and dye a silk-based yarn, how to properly prepare it to […]

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Mossy Green on Bristle

Mossy Green on Bristle

Spring is here and that means fresh green grass, flowers peeking their heads out of the earth, and new leaves growing on trees. One of the best sources for color inspiration, in my opinion, is out in nature. Today we are dyeing up a cozy, mossy green inspired by the beautiful greens found in the […]

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How Yarn is Made: Blending

How Yarn is Made: Blending

Next up in our video series, we learn more about the blending process. Blending, like the name suggests, is the step in the process when different fibres are mixed, or blended together. This process is an essential step in the yarn making process because the blend crafts the identity of the yarn. Take a typical […]

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How to Dye Warm Weather Friendly Yarn

How to Dye Warm Weather Friendly Yarn

Knitting in the summer is a bit of a conundrum. You’d think long summer days full of lounging on the beach or hanging out by the fireside would make the perfect opportunity to get some knitting in. Unfortunately knitting in the heat can sometimes be a feat of endurance greater than running across hot sand […]

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You’ve probably heard all about silk, but do you know what makes it so special? Silk is a type of natural protein fibre made by silk worms. Silk has a vibrant history as it is one of the oldest commercially made fibres. When dyed, silk takes color quickly and easily. You can use any dye […]

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